Expertise gained over time enabled R&P to develop a specific and, in the meanwhile, cross-sectional know-how which allows it to take care of business growth projects in a wide range of productive and industry sectors.
R&P developed a proper method and a package of innovative and qualified consulting services which enable it to manage every single project following an analytic and integrated approach. Thanks to specific tools developed in-house, R&P analyses the costumer company and accurately identifies its strengths, weaknesses, areas to be improved and the most suitable strategies to increase its competitiveness. Finally, R&P searches for the most suitable financial resources to support the project development depending on its operation field, objectives set and foreign markets of interest.


We bring the Made in Italy in the world with customized development paths


Strategic and managerial solutions to improve the corporate performance

Training & coaching

Training courses aimed at enhancing professional skills

Subsidised finance

Search and selection of financial resources to support the project